Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike is a prequel to the popular Xbox360™ and PS3™ title of a similar name. The movie follows the struggles of Yuri Lowell and Flynn Scifo, young knights in the Nylen corps. Trouble strikes when an abnormality of aer is discovered, negatively affecting the world.

Team Cepheus works to ensure the highest possible quality fan production of this movie. Preparation for the production of this fandub started April 26, 2009. Since then, the actors working on the movie have improved vastly and gained much experience.

Tales of Vesperia ~The First Strike~ Cast and Staff

Voice Cast
JonFawkes Yuri Lowell
BeatBlox Flynn Scifo, Lambert
MelynnxRose Estellise Sidos Heurassein
mosesxsandorx247 Rita Mordio
SeraphimSwordmaster Raven
SwardVA Alexei Dinoia, Gradana
PeachyPeachy37 Hisca Aiheap
dragon786ster Chastel Aiheap
ThePawt Nylen
MintehVA Galista
KingChronn Jurgis
Psyniac Elvin
MusamichiSama Melzom Keida
Various People Extras

MelynnxRose Project Director
Team Cepheus Publishing
SeraphimSwordmaster Script
JonFawkes Visual Editing
JonFawkes Audio Editing
Celestial Being Footage Provider
    Tales of Vesperia, Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike, and all related material are copyright Namco Bandai, Production I.G., Kadokawa Pictures, and all respectful copyright holders. No copyright infringement is intended, this is a fan-based production intended for the enjoyment of other fans. Please support the official release.